On May 13, 2020, the USCG published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking advising of its intent to amend and update the regulations governing financial responsibility for environmental pollution under OPA 90 and CERCLA. Triggering these changes include a desire to close compliance gaps that cause untimely responses to oil spills due to operators failings to
United States Coast Guard
United States Coast Guard Updates CG-2692 Marine Casualty Reporting Form for 2017
By Kean Miller on
Posted in Admiralty and Maritime
By the Admiralty and Maritime Team
U.S. Coast Guard Form 2692 has been used for over forty (40) years to report marine casualties, commercial diving casualties, or outer continental shelf related causalities. Recently, the Form received a long overdue update. The new version of the form, effective as of 2017, is available here as well…
U.S. Coast Guard Clarifies Marine Casualty Reporting Laws and Regulations
By Kean Miller on
Posted in Admiralty and Maritime
When a maritime casualty or accident occurs, it must be determined whether the occurrence meets the criteria for notifying the Coast Guard. Note that a “marine casualty or accident” is purposefully defined broadly in governmental regulations to capture a wide variety of occurrences. Indeed, the statutes and regulations pertinent to marine casualties and accidents provide…