Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors

In the aftermath of hurricanes Laura and Delta, Southwest Louisiana is faced with a widespread reconstruction project the size of which it has not seen in quite a while.  While never afraid to roll up the sleeves and get to work, this time the demand for contractors exceeds the local supply.  Welcoming help from each

The Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors has updated and revised its rules, found in Title 46, Part XXIX of the Louisiana Administrative Code. The Board characterizes these revise rules as intended to simplify and streamline the application and examination process for licensed contractors and those seeking to become licensed contractors. A brief summary of

One of the activities regulated and licensed by the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors is Mold Remediation.  Any person engaging in or holding herself/himself out as engaging in mold remediation must have a mold remediation license issued by the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors.  Persons violating that prohibition are subject to administrative and