UPDATE – On February 15, 2023, the Louisiana Department of Revenue issued Revenue Information Bulletin (“RIB”) No. 23-010 stating that qualifying businesses can submit an application under the Fresh Start Proper Worker Classification Initiative by sending an email to FreshStart.LDR@LA.GOV. RIB No. 23-010 also states that in order to qualify, the employer must have consistently
Independent Contracts vs. Employees
Louisiana Legislature Calls Itself Into Second Extraordinary Session and Includes Certain Tax Issues
By Jaye Calhoun & William Kolarik on
Posted in Louisiana In General, State and Local Taxation
The Louisiana Legislature called itself into a second extraordinary session to address several issues confronting the state. The Second Extraordinary Session, which began on September 28th, was called by the legislature, and not the governor, and will focus primarily on addressing the continuing negative economic effects of the coronavirus on Louisiana and the…