A recent 4–3 majority decision [1] from the Louisiana Supreme Court exposes market intermediaries to potential liability for damages caused by products sold by sellers using their platform.  In June 2024, the Louisiana Supreme Court answered two certified questions from the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana concerning the liability facing

In Crosby, as the Trustee of Aaron Guidry Trust and Trustee of the Lauren Guidry Trust, Guidry and Guidry v. Crosby Enterprises, LLC, Crosby Dredging, LLC, Tala Air Logistics, LLC, Crosby Holding, LLC, Crosby, Trosclair, and Dufrene, 2023-1338 (La. App. 1 Cir. 8/9/24), 2024 WL 3733158, — So.3d —. a five judge panel of