In the flurry of post-hurricane orders and developments, we overlooked Governor Blanco’s Executive Order #30, which temporarily relaxes the venue restrictions on UCC filings and notarial powers. The heart of the order reads:
SECTION 1: Until September 25, 2005, or the appropriate Clerk of Court’s office becomes operational, all future UCC filings and subsequent UCC filings required to be filed in Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Tammany and Washington Parishes and in the Recorder of Mortgages in Orleans Parish, may be filed in any operational Clerk of Court office within the state of Louisiana.
SECTION 2 : The residents of the parishes of Jefferson, Plaquemines, Orleans, St. Bernard, St. Tammany and Washington who hold a commission of notary in those parishes may exercise the functions of a notary public within the parish of their temporary residence without additional bonding requirements provided such notary registers his or her temporary address with the Secretary of State’s office.
SECTION 3 : Also, enforcement of annual report late penalties as provided in R.S. 35:202(B) shall be suspended against any resident of Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Tammy and Washington Parish during the time period of Friday, August 26, 2005, and September 25, 2005.
SECTION 4 : This Order is effective upon signature and shall continue in effect Sunday, September 25, 2005, until amended, modified, terminated, or rescinded by the governor, or terminated by operation of law.