The long-standing dispute amongst legislators regarding “Tort Reform” legislation and attempts to reduce insurance premiums took a step forward on the last day of Louisiana’s First Extraordinary Session of 2020, also known as sine dine. House Bill 57, also entitled the “Civil Justice Reform Act of 2020”[1] authored by Speaker of the House,
Forrest Guedry
Workers’ Compensation and COVID-19
By Forrest Guedry on
Posted in COVID-19, Labor and Employment Law
The Louisiana Legislature is currently considering proposed legislation which would provide workers’ compensation coverage for essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.[1] The proposed law states that every essential worker who is disabled because of the contraction of the COVID-19 disease is entitled to the same compensation as if that essential worker had received personal…
Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Courts Pause – An Employer and/or Insurer’s Obligations Do Not
By Forrest Guedry on
Posted in COVID-19, Louisiana In General
In the midst of the novel COVID-19 pandemic, businesses of all sectors have been impacted in some way. This includes the legal community as some courts have closed, deadlines have been postponed, legal professionals are working from home, and even new laws are being passed – please see Kean Miller’s Louisiana Law Blog for continued…