Louisiana’s Senate Bill 1, introduced during the recent 2024 Third Extraordinary Legislative Session, aims to establish specialized business courts in Louisiana through a state constitutional amendment.  The bill seeks to amend the constitution and give the legislature the authority to create “specialized” courts.  This proposed amendment must first receive two-thirds approval in both the Louisiana

In Crosby, as the Trustee of Aaron Guidry Trust and Trustee of the Lauren Guidry Trust, Guidry and Guidry v. Crosby Enterprises, LLC, Crosby Dredging, LLC, Tala Air Logistics, LLC, Crosby Holding, LLC, Crosby, Trosclair, and Dufrene, 2023-1338 (La. App. 1 Cir. 8/9/24), 2024 WL 3733158, — So.3d —. a five judge panel of

The Louisiana Supreme Court ruled today in Daniel Bennett v. Demco Energy Services, et al., 2023-CC-01358 (La. 5/10/24), 2024 WL ***, a claim for defense and indemnity under a Master Services Agreement filed before a judicial finding of liability or loss is not premature. The Court explained “[w]e hold that a claim for indemnity

Words are powerful. Being acutely aware of word choice and precise language in contracts is key to a successful agreement. Even in the world of construction, words matter as shown by the recent Louisiana Supreme Court case, Gustavo Bonilla v. Verges Rome Architects—A Professional Architectural Corporation, et al., 2023-0928 (La. 3/22/24), 2024 WL 1229219

The Louisiana Public Works Act (“LPWA”), La. R.S. 38:2241, et seq., protects the rights of contractors and others relating to the construction of public works projects for the state, any of its boards, agencies, and political subdivisions. August 1, 2022 not only marks the beginning of the end of summer 2022, but also the

In the recent unanimous United States Supreme Court opinion, Morgan v. Sundance, Inc., No. 21-328, 2022 WL 1611788 (2022), issued May 23, 2022, the Court abrogated existing case law and held that prejudice is not a condition of finding that a party, by litigating too long, waived its rights to stay litigation or compel