Judge Donald Johnson, of the Louisiana 19th Judicial District Court (“JDC”), granted an appeal of a final order of the Louisiana Pilotage Fee Commission (“PFC”) in Docket No. P20-001, that approved numerous rate increases for the Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association (“CRPPA”). The appeal was jointly filed by
Carrie Tournillon
Louisiana Economic Development Repurposes Funds to Back Louisiana Loan Program for Small Businesses Affected by COVID-19
On Wednesday, April 1, 2020, Governor Edwards announced the availability of a new state-led loan program to provide loans to Louisiana small businesses in response to COVID-19. The Louisiana Loan Portfolio Guaranty Program (“LPGP”) is a partnership of the Louisiana Economic Development (“LED”), the Louisiana Bankers Association (“LBA”) and the Louisiana Public Facilities Authority (“LPFA”).…
Louisiana Public Service Commission – Electric Utility Regulation – Recent and Current Topics
The following is prepared by the Kean Miller LLP Utilities Regulation team on important topics affecting consumers of electrical power in Louisiana. For more information, please contact us at client_services@keanmiller.com
LPSC Rulemaking on Demand Response: In February 2019, the LPSC opened a rulemaking to determine the need for and develop rate schedules and programs offering…
Transportation of Waste in Louisiana: Louisiana Public Service Commission Adopts New Rules for Motor Carriers of Waste
The Louisiana Public Service Commission (“LPSC”) voted at its meeting on September 20, 2017, to reconsider and approve adoption of proposed rules that provide guidelines for certification of motor carriers of waste and create a rebuttal presumption that granting a certificate is in the public interest if the applicant has met the application requirements. Under…
Transportation of Waste in Louisiana: Conflict between Louisiana Public Service Commission Rules and New Legislation
The Louisiana Public Service Commission (“LPSC”) and the State Legislature are conflicted over regulation of motor carriers of waste in Louisiana. While the Louisiana Constitution grants the LPSC the authority to regulate common carriers, and the LPSC oversees the certification and permitting of such carriers, in the 2017 Regular Session the Legislature enacted Senate Bill…
FEMA: Fact Sheets for Filing Flood Claims and Applying for Individual Assistance
If your home has been damaged by the recent floods in southeast Louisiana, you will need to submit a flood claim, if you have flood insurance. Steps for submitting the claim and reaching agreement with an adjuster on the dollar amount for the covered loss or appealing denial of payment can be found here.…
Business Disaster Loans: Assistance for Uninsured or Under-insured Losses
In the aftermath of the floods that devastated southeastern Louisiana, many businesses will be in need of financial assistance for uninsured or under-insured losses. The U.S. Small Business Administration (“SBA”) offers financial assistance to businesses in declared disaster areas through low-interest, long-terms loans.
Business Physical Disaster Loans. Businesses of all sizes, as well as private,…