On February 3, 2017, BSEE issued its first Notice to Lessees (NTL) of 2017, advising of the revised OCSLA Civil Penalty Assessment Matrix. For the second time in 6 months, BSEE has increased the maximum civil penalty to $42,704 per day per violation, up from $42,017 per day per violation that was set in July 2016. These new changes were effective for all civil penalties assessed on or after February 3, 2017, even if the alleged violation predated February 3, 2017. The new matrix is shown below.

OCSLA Civil Penalty Assessment Matrix

February 3, 2017


Enforcement Code

Category A Category B Category C






















Note: W=Warning, C=Component Shut-in, and S=Facility Shut-in

* = Starting Point for Assessment

Category A

Category B

Category C

Threat of injury to humans.

Threat of harm or damage to the marine or coastal environment, including mammals, fish and other aquatic life (threat may or may not involve endangered/threatened species).

Threat of pollution.

Threat of damage to any mineral deposit or property.

Injury to humans that results in 1-3 days away from work or 1-3 days on restricted work or job transfer.

Minor harm or damage to the marine or coastal environment, including mammals, fish, and other aquatic life (harm to aquatic life did not involve an endangered/threatened species).

Pollution caused by liquid hydrocarbon spillage of up to 50 barrels (bbls).

Minor damage to any mineral deposit.

Minor property damage equal or less than $25,000.

Additional incidents required to be reported under 30 CFR 250,188, except (a)(6), (b)(1), (b)(4).

Loss of human life.

Injury to humans that results in more than 3 days away from work or more than 3 days on restricted work or job transfer.

Serious harm or damage to the marine or coastal environment, including mammals, fish, and other aquatic life (harm to aquatic life involved numerous individuals or involved one or more members of an endangered/threatened species.

Pollution caused by liquid hydrocarbon spillage of more than 50 barrels (bbls).

Serious damage to any mineral deposit.

Serious property damage greater than $25,000.

The full text of the NTL can be found here.